- published: 23 Jan 2017
- views: 2405
Margrethe Vestager (born 13 April 1968 at Glostrup, Zealand) is a Danish politician, who is currently serving as the [European Commissioner for Competition]. She served as a Member of Parliament (Folketing) from 20 November 2001 until 2 September 2014, representing the Danish Social Liberal Party (Radikale Venstre). She was the political leader of her party from 2007 to 2014, and served as Minister of Economic Affairs and the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister from 2011 to 2014.
A daughter of Hans Vestager and Bodil Tybjerg, she matriculated from Varde Upper Secondary school in 1986. She studied at the University of Copenhagen, graduating in 1993 with a degree in Economics.
Vestager speaks Danish, English and some French.
At the age of 21, Vestager was appointed to the central board and executive committee of the SLP and its European Affairs Committee, and shortly afterwards as National Chairwoman of the Party.
In 2001, Vestager was elected to the Danish Parliament, becoming Chairwoman of its Parliamentary Group in 2007. She was appointed Minister of Education and Ecclesiastical Affairs in 1998.
The Economist is an English language weekly newspaper owned by the Economist Group and edited in offices based in London. Continuous publication began under founder James Wilson in September 1843. For historical reasons, The Economist refers to itself as a newspaper, but each print edition appears on small glossy paper like a news magazine. In 2006, its average weekly circulation was reported to be 1.5 million, about half of which were sold in the United States.
The publication belongs to The Economist Group. It is 50% owned by private investors and 50% by Exor, the Agnelli holding company, and the Rothschild banking family of England. Exor and the Rothschilds are represented on the Board of Directors. A board of trustees formally appoints the editor, who cannot be removed without its permission. Although The Economist has a global emphasis and scope, about two-thirds of the 75 staff journalists are based in the City of Westminster, London. As of March 2014, the Economist Group declared operating profit of £59m. Previous major shareholders include Pearson PLC.
Pia Merete Kjærsgaard (Danish pronunciation: [pʰiːæ ˈkʰæɐ̯ˀsɡ̊ɒːˀ]; born 23 February 1947) is a Danish politician who has been Speaker of the Folketing, the parliament of Denmark, since 2015. She is a co-founder of the Danish People's Party, a far-rightnativist, national conservative political party in Denmark, and led the party from 1995 to 2012. She has become one of the best-known politicians in Denmark during recent years, both for her vocal and unwavering stance against multiculturalism and immigration, and for her parliamentary support for the center-right governments of Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Lars Løkke Rasmussen from 2001 to 2011. Her success has been an inspiration for anti-immigration and anti-Islamic movements throughout Europe.
On 7 August 2012, Kjærsgaard announced her resignation from the leader position of the Danish People's Party. She appointed Kristian Thulesen Dahl as her successor, and he took office on 12 September 2012, promising to maintain the course laid out by Kjærsgaard.
The Agenda: Margrethe Vestager on Europe
EU Says Apple Must Pay €13bn to Irish Government
Apple's $14.5 Billion unpaid EU taxes: Press conference and Q&A; by Margrethe Vestager
EU's Margrethe Vestager on Facebook Probe, Google Cases
Margrethe Vestager vs. Pia Kjærsgaard
Is Google’s search engine dominance hurting EU consumers?
Apple's tax evasion exposed: Margrethe Vestager vs Allister Heath
The Future of Competition with the Honorable Margrethe Vestager
Folkemødet 2015 - Margrethe Vestager om EU
Margrethe Vestager
Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition, shares her views on an isolated Brussels at the centre of a Europe in the midst of upheaval. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: http://econ.trib.al/rWl91R7 THE AGENDA explores the defining questions of our time and seeks out the stories, solutions and the personalities who might just hold the answers. Discover the mould-breakers experimenting with new ways to approach some of the modern world's most fundamental issues; find out what happens when bold ideas and real life collide, and meet the leaders whose thoughts and actions are themselves helping to shape the agenda. Series One of The Agenda: People Power gets to grips with the rise of populism and what lies behind it. Check out Economist Films: http://film...
Credit: European Commission An EU investigation ruled on August 30 that Ireland had "artificially reduced Apple's tax burden," in breach of EU state aid rules. Speaking in Brussels, Margrethe Vestager, the European Competition Commissioner, said Apple would have to repay the benefits it had accrued over two decades, amounting to €13 billion plus interest This video has been uploaded for use by Storyful's subscription clients with the permission of the content owner. To use the video off platform, you must have a Storyful subscription. To obtain a Storyful subscription, contact sales@storyful.com.
Press conference and Q&A; by Margrethe Vestager, member of the European Commission in charge of Competition, where it is explained that Apple paid a 1% tax rate in 2003 down to a 0.005% tax rate on their profits in 2014 for all Apple sales in Europe, Africa, the Middle-east and India. 8 years ago, I video-blogged for Magrethe Vestager's political party in Denmark: http://youtube.com/radikaletv Press release: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-2401_en.htm Source of this video: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/video/player.cfm?ref=I125410
Mar.03 -- European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager comments on the investigation into Facebook privacy, the Google cases in the EU and working with U.S. tech giants during an interview with Bloomberg's Caroline Hyde on "Bloomberg Technology."
Margrethe Vestager ydmyger Pia Kjærsgaard under debatten på DR2. Pia Kjærsgaard benytter et usselt personangreb for at komme ud af situationen. www.pendulet.wordpress.com
In response to the EU’s charges that Google uses its search engine dominance to favor Google Shopping, the company said shopping results have not harmed the competition nor innovation. Gwen Ifill talks to the European Union’s Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager about Google’s alleged offense and the EU’s crackdown on other tech companies.
Channel 4 News & Sky News 30 August 2016
The Future of Competition with the Honorable Margrethe Vestager
Hør om Margrethe Vestagers oplevelser med at være den nye EU kommissær - både den politiske og personlige del.
Margrethe Vestagers tale til Landsmødet 2016
"We moeten ernaar streven dat bedrijven belasting betalen in het land waar ze winst maken. Daar zouden andere belastingbetalers al veel baat bij hebben." Dat stelt EU-commissaris Margrethe Vestager van Mededinging in een interview met Nieuwsuur. Vestager begrijpt dat bedrijven hun belasting zo voordelig mogelijk willen organiseren. Maar het is ethisch onjuist, vindt ze. "Het is belangrijk dat bedrijven bijdragen aan de maatschappij waarvan ze onderdeel zijn. Ze gebruiken de infrastructuur, de inwoners en de overheid. Bedrijven horen daar belasting over te betalen, net als iedere andere belastingbetaler."
Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition, shares her views on an isolated Brussels at the centre of a Europe in the midst of upheaval. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: http://econ.trib.al/rWl91R7 THE AGENDA explores the defining questions of our time and seeks out the stories, solutions and the personalities who might just hold the answers. Discover the mould-breakers experimenting with new ways to approach some of the modern world's most fundamental issues; find out what happens when bold ideas and real life collide, and meet the leaders whose thoughts and actions are themselves helping to shape the agenda. Series One of The Agenda: People Power gets to grips with the rise of populism and what lies behind it. Check out Economist Films: http://film...
Mar.03 -- European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager comments on the investigation into Facebook privacy, the Google cases in the EU and working with U.S. tech giants during an interview with Bloomberg's Caroline Hyde on "Bloomberg Technology."
http://info.arte.tv/de/vox-pop Interview mit Margrethe Vestager, Wettbewerbskommissarin der EU seit 2014. Sie will Google in die Knie zwingen. Vox Pop das europäische Investigationsmagazin jede Woche bei ARTE und täglich auf unserer Website. Das Interview wurde erstmals am 3. oktober 2016 ausgestrahlt.
Unknown content
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Laura fra Bornholms efterskole interviewer Margrethe Vestager til folkemødet.
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